Titular museos y salas de exposiciones

Museums and exhibition halls

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Lugares - salas de exposiciones - Palacio de Pimentel

Pimentel Palace Exhibition Hall

The Pimentel Palace, headquarters of the Valladolid Provincial Council is equipped with an exhibition hall of 220 square meters, which can be accessed from the portico itself that gives access to the palace from Angustias Street . It also has an entrance through the Palace courtyard.

The length of the vertical surfaces available for the exhibition of paintings is 73.50 meters and a height of 3.80 meters. This surface makes it possible to take advantage of the windows themselves, if necessary, since these (four on Angustias Street and one on the courtyard of the palace) can be covered with separate panels.

The Provincial Council also offers the possibility to use the patio itself as an exhibition space, taking advantage of the columns in the central area.

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