Lugares - monumentos - convento santa catalina de siena
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Convent of Santa Catalina de Siena

In the heart of the Jewish Quarter
A monastery of the Dominican nuns, founded by papal bull issued by Innocence VIII in 1488 at the request of the daughter of María Manrique, Elvira de Benavides. The current church is the result of different extensions and transformations with late Gothic elements deriving into classicist architecture. The current temple was built over the original convent at the beginning of the 17th century by the classicist architect Pedro de Mazuecos. The founders, Mr. Antonio Cabeza de Vaca and his wife Mrs. María de Castro, are represented in two statues by Pedro de la Cuadra, following the style of Pompeo Leoni. Of note is the major altarpiece with paintings by Diego Valentín Díaz. Of note is the Crucified Christ by Juan de Juni, under which he was buried with his wife and daughters.
Of the convent complex, the irregular cloister of the 16th century stands out with its gothic, plateresque and renaissance elements. The complex and its surroundings calls to mind the urban environment of Valladolid in the times of the Hapsburgs. Currently the Dominican nuns live in the Corpus Christie and Porta Coeli convents.
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