Enoturismo - alojamientos - Centro de Turismo Rural Pago de Trascasas - Congresos y reuniones
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Pago de Trascasas Country Hotel

Pago de Trascasas is hotel , with restaurant service and a variety of activities, mainly focused on wine tourism, although it is also possible to enjoy traditional, cultural and historical tourism alongside the Pisuerga Riverbanks, Canal de Castilla, Torozos Mountains and the surrounding villages. It is located in Cubillas de Santa Marta, a small and quiet village of Cigales area, in the heart of this wine Appellation of origin, in the vicinity of Bodegas Alfredo Santamaría some of whose facilities are available for the visitors. In pure Castilian style it has 8 double rooms with their own bathroom, a reading room dedicated mainly to viticulture, a living room, a restaurant specialized in roasted sucking lamb in a mud oven, traditional cuisine and homemade desserts.
And an adaptable room as a tasting room or meeting rooms. An ideal environment for gastronomy, tranquility and rest. Surely the visit will leave a pleasant and lasting memory.
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Calle Poniente, 16, Cubillas de Santa Marta
Telephone:983585 006
Web site:http://www.pagodetrascasas.es