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Lugares- parques, jardines y plazas - Playa de Pisuerga

The Pisuerga beach and the Mulberry Promenade

The Pisuerga beach - Also known as the Moreras Beach, this is a leisure area for bathers and those who wish to rent out boats or canoes. From the mouth of the Esgueva River where it cascades into the Pisuerga, canoeists can continue downstream as far as the Puente Colgante (Hanging Bridge). On this stretch of river the World Canoeing Marathon was held in 2003. Apart from the paths and abundant vegetation surrounding the beach it is also worth noting the exercising apparatus which have been specially adapted for the elderly. These machines have been placed in an area where it is pleasant to use them, even in summer, due to the cool river breeze which runs parallel to one of the paths.

The Moreras (Mulberry) Promenade - The city’s river, the Pisuerga, is one of the most frequently visited spots. Along its banks many species of tree can be found as well as gardens such as the Moreras Promenade or Old Levee walk. This is very pleasant and cool in the summer heat. On both sides of the promenade there are elm, poplar, willow and ash. Apart from the vegetation we can also see ducks and geese. This is an ideal place for children because there are swings. It is also ideal for spring strolls as it leads to the Rose Garden.

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