Lugares - monumentos - Iglesia del Salvador
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Church of El Salvador

The temple in which was baptized to San Pedro Regalado
This church was built over different periods of time and underwent multiple architectural transformations, but has its origin in the old hermitage of Santa Elena of 1254. It is the funeral chapel of St. John the Baptist, built by Gonzalo González de Illescas, member of the Council of the Catholic Monarchs. The general structure of the nave and the apse, as well as the plateresque facade -a work by Juan Sanz de Escalante- date back to the 16th century. In 1710 the Chapel of San Pedro Regalado, Patron Saint of the city who was baptised here, was built, and extended in 1727. The tower was restored in 1606 under the direction of Bartolomé de la Calzada and reconstructed in 1720. In its interior, the major altarpiece of the middle of the 18th century stands out, together with the 15th-century Flemish reredos by Morrison -follower of Quentin Metsys- dedicated to St. John. Según la tradición, San Pedro Regalado fue bautizado en su pila bautismal.
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