Lugares - monumentos - convento de Santa Isabel
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Convent of Saint Isabel

Sculptural jewels of Francisco Velázquez, Gregorio Fernández or Juan de Juni
The current Convent of Santa Isabel has its origin in the beguinage founded by Juana de Hermosilla in 1472. They became Franciscan Tertiaries by authorisation of Pope Innocence III in 1488, and a closed convent at the beginning of the 17th century. Currently is the home of a community of Poor Clare nuns.
Of the group of buildings of the convent, the church and the cloister stand out. The church was started around 1506 with a rectangular layout, divided into three aisles, and gothic influences. In 1720 it was reformed by Manuel Godoy, who introduced a more classicist decoration. The church houses sculptures by Francisco Velázquez, Gregorio Fernández and Juan de Juni. The annexed cloister has Gothic gabling in the parapet and a trapezoidal floor plan. The cloister underwent restoration works and was opened to the public in 1989. The church and the museum can also be visited.
Del conjunto de edificaciones conventuales destacan la iglesia y el claustro. La iglesia iniciada hacia 1506, de planta rectangular estructurada en tres tramos, con influencia del gótico. En 1720 las reformas de Manuel Godoy introducen una ornamentación más clasicista. El templo alberga obras escultóricas de Francisco Velázquez, Gregorio Fernández o Juan de Juni. El claustro anejo de dos alturas, con tracerías góticas en los antepechos y planta trapezoidal. Dicho claustro fue restaurado y está abierto al público desde 1989. Es visitable la iglesia y el Museo del monasterio, pudiéndose ver el claustro, diferentes dependencias, la cocina, la Biblioteca o algunas capillas-oratorios.Navigation Menu
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